We're Winning!!!

Hear ye!  Hear ye!  Anti Fraud Warriors!

Umar has shown his hand.  He's SHOOK.  He's frightened.  He knows his day is coming.

Umar is SHOOK for real!!!!

In other words, my fellow Anti Fraud Warriors, we're winning!

Let's give ourselves a round of applause!

I'd like to give all of my fellow Anti Fraud Warriors a special shout-out and a dose of sisterly love!  I especially want to shout out the following:

The Queen of All Queens, our Good Sister, Anti Afro Svengalis
The Musician, Good Brother and Family Man, Lenon Honor*
The Reverend who has love and compassion for us all, Reverend Gerald Palmer
The Dude who gives real truth with real humor, Monty Woodgrain

I thank you!

I've been on this anti-Umar Johnson road for a little over three years.  I know some people have been working behind the scenes to get Umar Johnson banned from K-12 schools, college campuses, and community centers.  Believe me, our efforts have been successful.

And, others are seeming to agree with me.

More dislikes than likes, including myself!

One measurement of our success is the manner in which Umar Johnson behaves.  His behavior lets us know that he is SHOOK.  The video above tells us so.

Another piece of proof is the number of dislikes are more than the likes for the video above.

Let's do some math.  The number of people who bothered to like or dislike this video at the time I checked is 582.  Out of 582 people, 249 people disliked the video.  So, 249/582=0.4278350515463918, or about 43% disliked Umar's ranting in this video.  And 133/582=0.2285223367697595, or about 23% liked Umar's ranting in this video.

This is looking like most people have enough sense to see what this really is.  And who couldn't.  After all, Umar Johnson only has a few tricks up his raggedy sleeves and they are:

Attacking or belittling someone's sexuality
Ad Hominem attacks such as name-calling

Umar Johnson is not only pathetic, he's predictable.

I won't ever bother to point out the examples in this video because they are obvious.  I have to say that everything he says about other people is what he thinks of himself.


After all, like who wants to be:
  1. Unable to pay their rent (allegedly)
  2. Unable to pay their bills
  3. Unable to be alone with his/her child
  4. Unable to stay composed in front of 5th graders
  5. Unable to make money except for lying and tricking vulnerable people.
  6. Unable to sleep indoors (allegedly)
  7. Unable to behave rationally (proof is all over the world wide web)
  8. Unable to have integrity (proof is all over the world wide web)
  9. Unable to be truthful (proof is all over the world wide web)
  10. Unable to ask for help with his obvious mental issues (proof is all over the world wide web)

Not me.  And I'm sure that no one who has any sort of common sense or who can rub two brain cells together to conjure up some common sense wants to be Umar Johnson.

*P.S.  I often find myself humming "Run Them Donations" and "Somebody Shitted On My Steps."  It's my latest guilty pleasure.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. I literally can't wait for him to be forced to open the books for the public to see what he did with that money.

    1. Oh Creole, that's funny. I don't believe Umar Johnson does things like keep records, files, etc. I don't believe him to be capable of doing so.

  2. Excellent blog post! It's so good to see the community coming together to shut down this predator. His scamming is hurting the most vulnerable among us and our collective actions are making a VERY positive impact! More and more people are waking up and seeing Jermaine for who he really is, a scam artist. Keep up your fantastic work!

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