"Doctor," Heal Thyself...

Umar, Umar, Umar...

Umar is the most unaware person I've ever had the duty to observe.

In one moment, Umar Johnson claims that his consultation services are worth $15 per minute for speeches.  Within his consultation services, Umar Johnson claims that he will need to know the target audience, presumably so he can help the speaker hone his speech to fit the audience.

*Deep and heavy sigh*

However, Umar Johnson cannot stand to be questioned or challenged.  Umar Johnson cannot tolerate a point of view that is different from him own.

The latest proof?

Umar Johnson, who went on a Christian radio station, with a Christian radio host, and got into a disagreement about forgiveness.

Now, we know that Umar Johnson has issues with the church.  So do I.  However, I wouldn't dare go to a house of worship, I wouldn't dare go onto a Christian radio station with a Christian host, and act a fool when I'm presented with an idea with which I disagree, especially when I'm in someone else's house, so to speak.

Umar Johnson did.

Now, how is it that Umar Johnson, for $15 per minute, going to teach a speechwriter how to analyze an audience when he doesn't know how to himself.  Or, perhaps, he simply didn't care.

Listen to the video, posted by Y.M. to listen for yourselves.

The radio host didn't fall for Umar's strawman arguments!

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. The same man that told children that the white man's goal was to keep the black man's penis out of the white woman's vagina..... this man talks all underneath women's clothes.... he is despicable and gross.


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