Umar Is the Pre-Order Pimp

Umar Johnson is a slick con man.  So slick, that even I, TrueBlackAnonymous, missed it.

I apologize.

I have no excuse other than Umar Johnson's schemes and scams are so varied, it is difficult to keep up with them all.

However, I belong to a squad called the Anti Fraud Warriors, who I will refer to as AFW.


There are many folks included in the AFW who are smart and aware.  And they catch things that I don't. I'm specifically referring to Make A Change, who I believe was formerly known as #FACTS.

Make A Change has pointed out something that I honestly didn't pay attention to, and I thank him for that.

Make A Change pointed out, and it was later expounded on by our good brother, Lenon Honor, that Umar Johnson has a penchant for taking pre-orders for products that never seem to come to fruition.

Example One

Umar Johnson was supposedly writing a book called "The Art of War for Sistahs:  Military Science to Find & Keep a Good Black Man."

Note that the date of the Facebook post is May 17, 2018 and the book was supposedly to be released "this summer."  I'm assuming that "this summer" meant to summer of 2018.


Has anyone seen this book?  Can one purchase it from Amazon?  Is it available at Barnes & Noble?  Or does it only exist in the mind and imagination of Umar Johnson?

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Umar Johnson taking pre-orders for this book?  If so, did anyone pre-order?

And since this book doesn't seem to exist in the real world, did any unfortunate person who pre-ordered this book get her money back?

Or did Umar Johnson pocket the money and keep it moving?

Example Two

Umar Johnson has been taking pre-orders for a book called the Black Parent Advocate at least since August 1, 2017.


Here is the same, or similar book, that was posted and advertised for pre-order on September 18, 2018.

If anyone has pre-ordered this book back in August of 2017, or September of 2018, I know that they didn't get the book.  How to I know this?

Well, here are the words right out of Umar Johnson's own mouth.

So, if people actually pre-ordered on or around August of 2017 or pre-ordered on or around September of 2018, what happened to that money?

Inquiring minds would like to know.


Is Umar the Pre-Order Pimp?

Damned shame.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Preorder PIMP....buhahhhaahhhahaahhaahahhahaha

    1. Girl! You know Umar always got a scheme and a scam going.


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