
Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.
Proverbs 10:9, NIV 

How dare he?

Umar Johnson has some nerve to even post the meme above on his Twitter account.  When has he demonstrated anything resembling integrity?

When has Umar Johnson "doing right by the faith placed in him by the people?"

When has Umar Johnson ever completed a task that he claims that he's endeavored to complete?

When has Umar Johnson demonstrated any responsibility or accountability?

When has Umar Johnson paid a damned bill?


I'll wait.

While I'm waiting, I'll share my opinion below. 

Umar Johnson is the most amoral, most deceitful, most underhanded, most unprincipled, most unscrupulous, most disgusting person, with the possible exception of Jim Jones, I have heard of in my lifetime.  What Umar Johnson is doing to our people is unconscionable. Umar Johnson is totally devoid of integrity and should be moved from the public stage.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. He is vile and disgusting and needs to crawl his nasty behind in a hole somewhere and rot with the other vermin.....


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