What Has Umar Accomplished?

What has Umar Johnson actually accomplished?

According to Umar Johnson, in the 10 years he's been publicly speaking, he has:

Claimed Accomplishment Actual Outcome
Bought a four-building property No evidence
Influenced more Black women to go natural than any leader since 1960 No evidence
Helped more black parents keep kids from
the school-to-prison pipeline
than any scholar alive
No evidence
Spoken on 6 continents extensively No resulting outcome
Claims to have a best-selling book* Umar's book is Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #7,238,592 in Books.
Most requested scholar No evidence
NIBPA and Team Pan African What do these groups actually do? Are they even legally registered businesses?
College toursWhat evidence is there of a positive outcome from these college tours?

*Just as an FYI, below are the best books from 2014 through 2018 according to Publisher's Weekly.

Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2014
Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2015
Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2016
Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2017
Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2018

Is Umar's book on any of these lists?

Moving on...

He claims that he is going to start a repatriation task force for the purposes of going back to Africa.  In fact, he claims he is going to start a Black Wall Street in West Africa by getting the descendants of those who survived the Tulsa riots in the 1920s to come to West Africa to start a Black Wall Street.


What happened to the so-called F(amily) D(a) M(oney) G(one) school?   What happened to Umar Johnson moving to Delaware?  How does he think he's going to endeavor to create a West African Wall Street when he can't get the electricity turned on in a school building in Delaware?

Let's face it, given Umar Johnson's record, this West African Black Wall Street, is never going to exist.

What happened to the so-called "shockumentary" for which he was soliciting donations because he couldn't feed or board the people who were working for free?

Further, Umar Johnson dares anyone to give a name of someone who did more than he to keep our boys out of school to prison than he.

 I dunno....maybe Dr. Jawanza Kujunfu.

Yet, Umar claims what he's "accomplished" thus far is just "practice."
"If you can't keep up with practice Ifatunde, what you gonna do with game time Ifatunde?"


It's just interesting that someone who is as accomplished as Umar Johnson claims to be cannot or will not produce one receipt to show anything that he's supposed to have accomplished.  He cannot or will not produce a business plan, get the lights turned on at the FDMG so-called school site, he cannot or will not "run them degrees" like he wants people to "run them donations."

Yet, he's on YouTube ranting and raving about all of his "accomplishments."

The latest?

He's calling out the names of dead folk who are supposedly celebrating the invisible West African Black Wall Street.  Wow....but you know, given Umar's propensity for grave necrophilia, should we be surprised?

If you ask me, Umar Johnson is getting really desperate. And if Umar Johnson is getting desperate, one would wonder why.

Well...our good sister and brother at the YouTube channel called Lets Get Into It with E & J may be able to shed some light.

Well...in addition to those nasty traffic tickets, it seems that Umar Johnson has charges of criminal trespassing, possession of a controlled substance, endangering the welfare of children (seemingly at least one of his own), aggravated assault and possession of cocaine.

The good sister, Kia Greene, alerted us to this.

Now if ANY of this is true about the Umar Johnson we see running around the Internet, ranting and raving about his "accomplishments," then you all HAVE to know that this man will never open a school in Delaware or anywhere else in the United States of America.

In addition, it seems that Umar is running and hiding, ducking and dodging, and sticking and moving from council people and building inspectors in Wilmington, child support in Philadelphia, and the IRS any and everywhere in the USA.

I speculate that Umar may also be running from pissed off people to whom he gave bum advice about what to do with their children in school.

And Umar may be running from pissed off people who donated to a Family Da Money Gone school when they figured out that there is never going to be a school.

From:  Let's Get Into It With E & J

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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