
If one knows anything about me, one would know that I follow a gentleman named Malcolm Nance.  I've read one of his books, listen to him when he's on television, and adopted some of his phraseology.  One of the Nance-ism that I've adopted is the idea that people's mindsets can be hacked, like someone can hack a computer.

I believe this language can be applied to what Umar Johnson is doing or is attempting to do.

Yes, I believe Umar Johnson has attempted to hack your mind, your thinking, and your ability to accept his lies and shenanigans and valid and factual.

Want an example?

Okay...here goes.

Umar Johnson made a video ranting and raving about his so-called accomplishments.  One of the so-called accomplishments is purchasing a property.

On the You Tube channel called The Black Mask Speaks, there is a video in which some is driving by the property Umar Johnson has supposedly purchased in February, 2019.  He talks about the state of the property and the neighborhood in which the property sits.

The Black Mask Speaks

Yet, somehow Umar Johnson has been able to convince people that allegedly buying a boarded up building in a poor neighborhood is an accomplishment.  Umar Johnson also, predictably, goes on about "haters and jealous Negros" in the video linked here.

And if you believe any of the drivel out of Umar Johnson's mouth. your mind and your mindset may have been hacked.

However, we have a kind of virus protection.  Stop donating money to Umar Johnson.  Stop listening to people who support this madness.  Stop co-signing bullshit.  Stop advancing this ridiculous notion that people are jealous of Umar Johnson because they want legitimate information and they are entitled to it..  Let go of the stupid idea that people are jealous of Umar Johnson because they ask valid questions and want valid answers.  Let it go.  Demand more.  Expect more.  Make Umar Johnson be accountable.

From: Ebonetian Tribunal

The video Ebonetian Tribunal speaks of is linked here.

That's it.  That's all.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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