Plum Fool

TBA is always attempting to do some research.  One thing I have been curious about, since this whole Umar Johnson-Frederick Douglass-Marcus Garvey nonexistent, pie-in-the-sky, never-going-to-come-to-fruition school nonsense is the fact that he is using names of people without the permission of the families.

So, it seems that it's legitimate to ask if Umar Johnson has permissions from the families of Frederick Douglass and Marcus Garvey to use their family members' names to advance this whole misbegotten adventure.

My guess would be no.

We are all by now well aware of what the representatives of the family of Frederick Douglass thinks of Umar Johnson and this nonexistent, pie-in-the-sky, never-going-to-come-to-fruition school nonsense with which the name of Frederick Douglass is being used without the consent of the family.

Now, I've never spoken with a member of the family of Marcus Garvey, so I can only imagine what they might say to Umar Johnson and this nonexistent, pie-in-the-sky, never-going-to-come-to-fruition school nonsense with which the name of Marcus Garvey is being used.

Somehow, I don't think they would be thrilled.  In fact they may think that Umar Johnson, like many of us, is a plum fool!

There's more...


In most states, you can be sued for using someone else's name, likeness, or other personal attributes without permission for an exploitative purpose.  Usually, people run into trouble in this area when they use someone's name or photograph in a commercial setting, such as in advertising or other promotional activities.  But, some states also prohibit use of another person's identity for the user's own personal benefit, whether or not the purpose is strictly commercial.  There are 2 distinct legal claims that potentially apply to these kinds of unauthorized uses: (1) invasion of privacy through misappropriation of name or likeness ("misappropriation"); and (2) violation of the right of publicity(this the right of a person to control and make money from the commercial use of his or her identity).
Moving on...

It seems that Umar Johnson hasn't paid one utility bill at the property located at 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington, DE.  How do I know?

Well, if you follow the instructions below, you'll find out.

1.  Enter in the address bar of your web browser.
2.  Click on Pay My Bill.
3.  Click on Permit Fee.
4.  Click on Utility Billing (on the right side)
5.  Enter the parcel number in the Parcel ID box.  See the table below.

AddressParcel Number
610 East 17th Street2602940028
611 East 17th Street2602940027
6.  Click on Search.
7.  Click on Manage Bills on the line for Frederick Douglass & Marcus Garvey

You will see that Umar Johnson still owes over $2,000 on the utilities.

Now this is just some plum foolery!

Speaking of plum foolery, Umar Johnson, somehow, some way, got another online crowdfunding.  On PlumFund, Umar Johnson has a charity fund for FDMG Campus Restoration.  Umar Johnson wants to use PlumFund to raise $1 million dollars.

A charity fund?

Umar Johnson, who owes back taxes, child support and has a 501(c)(4) non-profit status revoked has a charity fund?

These plum fools at Plumfund obviously don't know the Umar Johnson we know.  If they want to learn something about Umar Johnson, all they would have to do is Google the EIN 46-5707643 and click on the first choice on the results list.  A picture has been captured below.

I plan to contact PlumFund and let these plum fools know what a plum fool Umar is.

Speaking of Umar Johnson being a plum fool, Umar Johnson is trying make folks think that there is conspiracy type mess going on at 610-611 East 17th Street, Wilmington, DE, involving a Mercedes and a fire.

Well, our good sister, Anti Afro Svengalis found out the real deal.  Listen to the video below and you decide how big of a plum fool you think Umar Johnson is.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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