Open Letter to Judge Joe Brown

Dear Judge Joe Brown,

I am a member of the Anti Fraud Warriors.  We are a group of Black people who are against fraud, mistreatment, and abuse of Black people by Black people.  We're specifically concerned about the actions and behaviors of Umar Johnson.

I'm not sure what, exactly, you know about Umar Johnson.  He states that he's practiced family therapy for 15 or 20 years.  He is listed as a school psychologist in the Pennsylvania Department of Education TIMS system.  If this is true, then Johnson has presented himself as someone far beyond the scope of his stated profession.

Johnson is not a professor, instructor, or researcher in any mental health profession.  Therefore, he meets no legal exception to issue the title of family therapist or any related title.  Johnson also asserts to have a doctorate in clinical psychology from the Pennsylvania College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM), which he falsely asserts is "one of the top psychology programs on the East Coast."  Johnson has, however, used the title of "doctor" since 2005 while also claiming (in October 2016) he received a doctorate degree in 2012.  Johnson has never produced the actual degree.  Johnson's knowledge base and corresponding actions don't support his claims.  Many issues surrounding Johnson's use of multiple names has made phone and online degree verification unreliable.

Johnson frequently issues public diagnoses of individuals, including Kanye West, who on at least two occasions, Johnson declared is suffering from PTSD, major depressive disorder with psychotic features and exhibiting mania.

Johnson repeatedly espouses a rigid ideology and exhibits troubling behavior while falsely declaring to hold varied professional mental health titles.  Most individuals who Johnson targets are unaware that his actions are patently unethical, damaging, dangerous, and illegal.  This is due to Johnson confining his behaviors and directing his statements to the most vulnerable sectors of the African-American community.

Johnson promotes conversion therapy, racial separatism, engages in victim-blaming and issues public threats of violence.  Additionally, Johnson asserts his own practices of discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, and religion are acceptable for those officially serving in and representing the mental health field.

The legacy of challenges that poses barriers to providing mental health services to many African-Americans is well-documented.  This makes it all the more critical that Johnson's unlicensed practice of family therapy targets African-Americans.

Judge Brown, I ask, on behalf of the anti-fraud warriors, to please consider the ramifications of allowing yourself to be associated with Umar Johnson.  You are a man of the law and I am sure that you don't know who Umar Johnson really is.  For example, do you know, that in his alleged capacity as a mental health professional, he has:

  1. Falsely claims to be related to Frederick Douglass, despite DNA evidence to the contrary
  2. Name called our people to the point of abusiveness
  3. Name called our women who are victims of sexual assault, sexual molestation and incest
  4. Has NEVER shown his degrees or proof of any titles or certifications he claims to have
  5. Has NEVER accounted for the money he's collected for a school to the tune of between $700,000 and $1,000,000
Please fee free to read this blog to see the evidence of what I'm saying.  And PLEASE reconsider your association with this fraud.  I'm certain that you, as a man of the law, can understand what is happening.

Thank you.

NOTE:  Thank you, Anti Afro Svengalis for the knowledge that informed this post.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. I hope Mr Brown does a little research into the crimes of Jermaine Shoemake.


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