He's Talking About Himself...

Umar Johnson really knows how to describe himself in his six so-called male dysfunctional types that Umatr has identified.

The Couch Potato

A man who was raised by his mother to live off of his women.

The Predator

A man who is domestically, verbally, physically, psychologically abusive who isolates a woman so that she's only dependent on him.

The Pimp 

A man who wants to use a woman for her financial resources for his own benefit.

The Impregnator

A man who "lays a lot of eggs but doesn't necessarily take care of his children."

The Professional

This is the man who misleads women about how together his life is.  He leads her to believe he has everything going on but he has nothing going on.

The Sexual Exploiter

The man who wants to sample all the "cookies" he can get from a woman without actually committing to her.

Is Umar Johnson any or all of the above?

The Couch Potato--Check
The Evidence?  Does anyone remember text messages between Khym Ringgold and Umar Johnson in which he asked for home-cooked meals?  I do.

The Predator--Check
The Evidence?  Well, we all remember this don't we?

The Pimp--Check
Well now, one wonders what Umar Johnson has done to get a so-called award at a gala from Cynthia Ashley, who is supposedly a Christian, after Umar Johnnson dogged out the church.

The Impregnator--Check
The Evidence?  Remember this?

Chief X breaks it down

The Professional--Check
The Evidence?  Umar Johnson's assertions that he's everything from a barbering school graduate to a relative of Frederick Douglass to a doctor of clinical psychology without any solid proof or documentation.

The Sexual Exploiter--Check
Having sexual relations with a woman, or attempting to have sexual relations with a woman then calling her a maggot or an 'ashy-assed THOT.'

Talk about a Freudian slip!

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. SMDH....this man is the epitome of the "nigga my daddy warned me to stay the hell away from..." He is almost frightening....imagine being dumb enough to fall for his nonsense...


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