It's Time
It's time, my good, thoughtful, and faithful readers, to end my journey as TrueBlackAnonymous. I must say that I have enjoyed this journey. But more importantly, I hope I have done my small part in showing how we must expose the charlatans and tricksters in our community. I will still continue to support and listen to various content creators. Of course, I will post comments if I want to do so. I certainly wish to thank everyone who has read a blog post, commented on a blog post, responded to a Tweet, looked at my YouTube channel, laughed at any of my jokes, or otherwise engaged with my content. I'm not deleting anything I've done up to now because I want people to be able to find information about Umar Johnson that will at least cause them to think before giving him money for a school that will never , ever exist. But I won't be adding anymore, unless, 1 )Umar Johnson does something so completely outrageous that I can't ignore it; or 2 )Umar Johnson is arres...