Hot Lies!!

This information is HOT, HOT, HOT off the presses thanks to King Kong Crazy and the Pull Up Team!

Shouts out to King Kong Crazy who, from what I can see, is a stand-up dude.  His mom told him about a HOT lie so that's how he knew how to pick it out.


Umar Johnson not only lied on Phat Fades Barbershop, he now has lied on Yassa's, the Senegalese restaurant in Chicago!

Umar Johnson, not surprisingly, got caught up in a lie -- AGAIN!

This time it's Yassa's Restaurant, a Senegalese restaurant in Chicago.  Umar Johnson advertised the same book signing that he lied on Phat Fades Barbershop.

Except for one thing.  Yassa's didn't know he was coming OR claiming to host an event at their restaurant.

So someone emailed Yassa's and asked the following questions.

  1. Why is your restaurant giving Umar Johnson a platform to continue scamming the black community?
  2. Are you not aware that Umar has taken orders for this same book for the past five years and is yet to deliver a single copy?
  3. Are the owners of this restaurant aware of Umar's endless scams?
  4. Do the owners of the restaurant endorse Umar Johnson's activities?

The response:

No, we are not.


So once again I ask: Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?  Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460

TrueBlackAnonymous called the restaurant.  I was told that there are many complaints about Umar Johnson hosting an event there.

If anyone is keeping count, that is the SECOND legitimate Black business Umar Johnson is messing with.

What else can be said?


Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


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