It's Getting More Ridiculous...

Umar Johnson keeps taking losses.  The whole thing is falling apart in front of us.  And the truth is, it is getting more and more ridiculous by the day,  by the hour, and by the minute.

It's both sad and hilarious to watch.


Let's give a short inventory of the losses Umar Johnson is taking:

Umar Johnson has been caught in lies time and time again.  Umar Johnson lies like the rest of us blink and breathe.  He lies when he doesn't have to lie.  He lies when the truth will suffice.  For example, Umar Johnson claimed to be related to Frederick Douglass and he's not.  We know this because the DNA don't play.  Just ask Jamal Johnson or Tarence Bailey.  No one has to be related to Frederick Douglass to start a school, because, as far as I can tell, Marcus Kline, LeBron James, Oprah Winfrey, or Deion Sanders aren't related to Frederick Douglass and they've started or spearheaded schools.  So, let's call that loss number one.

Umar Johnson collected upwards of $1 million dollars and hasn't accounted for it.  Umar Johnson hasn't shown anyone a business plan, a curriculum outline, any document, any bank statement, any balance sheet, a sketch, a blueprint, a floor plan, a board of governors, a team of any kind, or even a rusty doorknob on his fictitious school.  How in the blue blazes is Umar Johnson going to run a school if he can't account for donation money he has?  Umar Johnson doesn't even has a location for his pretend school.  So I'll call that loss number two for Umar.

Umar Johnson has tax liens for an amount of at least $90,000, yet he's traveling all over the world.  Oh, And he's supposedly the primary caregiver for his sick mother while he's gallivanting to the Bahamas, to Egypt and Ethiopia, and who knows where else.  So who is taking care of his sick mother while he's doing that?  The idea that he's caring for his sick parent sounds nefarious to me, particularly since we know Umar's record, so I'll count that as loss number three for Umar.

Umar Johnson has never shown any proof of the credentials he claims to have.  In fact, the only thing Umar Johnson does when asked about his credentials is to rage.  Interestingly enough, Michael Harriot, the brother from The Root, found some proof that someone named Umar R. Abdullah-Johnson earned a degree in clinical psychology.  Yet, it's still not clear if this is the same Umar who running around all over the Internet lying to people.  Somehow, I don't think they are the same person, so, I'm going to call it loss number four on Umar.

Now, I'm happy to say that Lebron James, who actually built a school, has unintentionally given Umar Johnson loss number five to hold.

Mr. James has build a school called I Promise in Akron, OH, which I believe is Mr. James's home town.  Mr. James is working with the public school system in Akron, running his school as a nonprofit, working with a team, working based on an already established model, and is starting with 3rd and 4th grades.

Umar Johnson still doesn't have a location, has not applied for accreditation, has no proof of financial solvency, has no proof of insurance, has no handbook for parents, students, or staff, has no curriculum outlined, and refuses to work with anyone.

Let that roll around in your brain for a minute

Oh, yeah, Umar has also managed to throw LeBron James under the bus, along with Jay-Z and Oprah Winfrey because they didn't donate to his pretend, invisible, non-existent Afro Dashiki School for Wakandan Boys.

What a joke.

So is Umar Johnson.

Y'all haven't had enough yet?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Keep up the good work and exposing this clown for the Charlatan he is. Personally, I can't see how people are still rolling w/him at this point.


  3. All due respect, TBA: Anyone who listens to anything Umar has to say -- at this point -- proves his point that people are so lost they will listen and follow any old idiot. And folks that give him money get what they pay for.

    I commend and applaud you for keeping the fight alive despite the larger media's disinterest in this story.

    Now with news of LeBron's school the whole Internet -- the whole dang thing -- is clowning Umar from Los Angeles to New York to Miami to Paris to Dakar to Capetown. You can take some comfort in that you and others have laid the groundwork and made the case that Umar appeals only to the least, last and the lost. The thing with Umar is the lost become more lost, the become double lost.

    Can't save em all. When Umar goes to the ADX no one will be able to save him ...

  4. It is so weird that these women actually think this man is going to save their children when he doesn't even have a relationship with his own offspring. Regardless if he has to see them at someone's house or not. The fact is that he refuses to pay child support and he has nothing to do with his kids because he gets very defensive and disengages when he is not in control of every situation. His ego is more important than anything or anyone (even his own children)...well that and scamming donations out of people and finding single mothers to have sex with.

    1. IKR! Raging, lashing out, and disengaging are classic narcissistic behaviors when one isn't in control. The Umarian examples of this are many. Two examples that stood to me were both around the time of the State Board of Psychology hearing--doxing his younger daughter's mother and name-calling Tariq Nasheed because he was in a situation he couldn't control.

  5. He is a vile and disgusting creature. He literally knows that only a handful of people believe that he will open this school and that is simply because they have defending his trifling behind so long that they don't want to admit the truth. His supporters will continue to listen to his videos ect but I guarantee they will not be donating to him anymore. He has not mentioned going on the Breakfast club this year anymore because I am sure they won't let him control the narrative and dodge the questions the people want answers to. He has not mentioned that b.s. class anymore because nobody is paying to sit in a class once a month with him for 12 hours. The gig is up. First the money will completely dry up and then your freedom will be next. I got plenty of popcorn to watch LOL

    1. He's a fake.


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