He HAS to Keep Doing It

What a sorry existence Umar Johnson must have.

After all, Umar Johnson has painted himself into a corner so that there's not much more he can do but run con games for money.  How sorry it must be to essentially not have a choice but to run con games.

Think about it.

A cursory Internet search might find the following:

  1. Umar Johnson lying about having sex with a "conscious stripper."
  2. Umar Johnson ranting about Sara Suten Seti.
  3. Umar Johnson calling Black women and girls who are victims of sexual assaults "THOTs" with "THOT-ish Personality Disorder."
  4. Umar Johnson claiming to have "receipts" on what Tariq Nasheed is doing with his "booty hole."
  5. Umar Johnson calling a woman he attempted to sleep with an "ashy-assed THOT."
  6. Umar Johnson having hissy fits and acting a blithering fool at being asked basic, valid and legitimate questions.
  7. Umar Johnson calling his "cousins," Tarance Bailey and Ken Morris, who turn out NOT to be his cousins, "bitch ass," "damned Mexican," and "coon."
  8. Umar Johnson calling his own father a "coon."
  9. Umar Johnson regularly doxes people who don't agree with him or who question what he's doing.
  10. Umar Johnson being called to the State Board of Psychology of Pennsylvania and subsequently being proven to not have a license.
  11. Umar Johnson being caught in lie after lie after lie ad nauseum.
Now, would any school official, with the sense God gave a goose, hire Umar Johnson to do anything involving children, curriculum, classroom teaching or even cleaning the chalkboard?

What parent with half a functioning brain cell would want their child around Umar Johnson in any setting, let alone a school setting?

So do you see how Umar Johnson has painted himself into such a corner that he hardly has any choice but to run con games on people for money?  After all, Umar Johnson is hungry and how else is he going to eat?

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


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