Umar the Ambulance Chaser?

From:  Umar Johnson's Twitter feed

To be clear, Umar says, in response to a story about an autistic 8 year old boy who was said to have hit a teacher:
The Notorious R.B.G Has Landed in the United States!! Someone Please have this boy's parents contact me ASAP.......
Umar Johson, Twitter
April 9, 2018 at 11:22 AM.

It's evident that Umar Johnson has no shame.

How he even went to London is beyond me.  I'm convinced that Umar Johnson is doing a Paul Manafort routine with two or three or seven passports.  I mean really, who is he?  Is he Umar Johnson?  Is he Umar R. Abdullah-Johnson?  Is he Jermaine Shoemake?  Who the hell is he?

But anyways...
NOT a superhero!

Now the man we know has Umar Johnson has landed back into the US and the tweets the following:

What in the world is Umar Johnson going to do?  He has no verifiable credential to treat a child with autism.  He has no verifiable credential to consult with the parents of a child with autism.

He is not, I repeat, NOT a child psychologist, child therapist, or a mental health provider.

Umar Johnson is that desperate for attention and notoriety that he tweeted this mess?  What professional organization does Umar belong to who would condone this behavior?

Have you EVER, I mean EVER, seen a so-called psychologist use social media to solicit clients/patients based on a news story?

These people need legitimate help, not YOU, Umar Johnson, Notorious RBG, Prince of Pan Africanism, POPA, or King Kong Consciousness, or whatever the hell your crazy mind tells you to call yourself.

Umar really, dude?

Please go somewhere and sit down.

Thank you.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. Shouldn’t Umar contact the parents? Why does he always send the call out for someone else to do the legwork? The “most requested speaker” on the planet would have people reaching out to get help from him, not the other way around! It’s because he’s not THAT well-known that he has to get his sheeple to put people in contact with him.

  2. I'm thinking that if the parents want him involved, they would call him.


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