Please...Don't Do It

This post serves as an appeal to the ladies of Baltimore and the surrounding area.

Please, ladies, do not, I repeat, please do not attend this ridiculousness that is being put on by Umar Johnson in the city of Baltimore.

Why do I make this appeal to my sisters?  Because Umar Johnson is ridiculous.

Umar Johnson is ridiculous because he cannot give a woman any advice on relationships when he has:

  1. Not appropriately taking responsibility for the two or three children he's made with two or three different women.
  2. Call women maggots and pigs when they tell the truth about his behavior or offer to assist him in his stated goal of opening a school.
  3. Refers to Black women as 'hood rats' while claiming to respect Black women.
  4. Call women lesbians when they call him out on his fraudulent behaviors and lies.
  5. Attempt to place the mother and grandmother of his child in potential physical danger by naming their place of business and asking his followers to show up and ask her about her child, like it's their business.
  6. Posting pictures of a woman and asking his followers to attack her.  By the way, the woman's picture he posted isn't the woman he thought she was.
  7. Named his own daughter's school in a video that was posted on the Internet.
  8. Called a woman he attempted to sleep with, and I quote, "an ashy-assed THOT."
  9. 'Invented' a diagnosis of THOT-ish Personality Disorder to describe women who are victims of molestation, sexual assault and incest.
  10. Has been known to use women for gratuitous, phony awards, sex, money, and to get onto high school and college campuses to do his "hyena yelps."
  11. Appears to have deep-seated issues with light-skinned folks, which likely includes light-skinned women.


  1. Do you all think that someone like Umar Johnson, with the behavior he's demonstrated, is even capable of self-reflection?
  2. Do you really think Umar Johnson, who doesn't raise or take care of his OWN children can tell you anything about child-rearing?
  3. Do you really think that Umar Johnson, who calls women pigs, maggots and THOTs is able to tell you anything about romance or relationships?
  4. Do you really think that Umar Johnson, who says, and I quote:  "Damn the romance, this is business!" while asking for 'wife resumes' is going to wax all poetic about romance?

I don't.  I don't think Umar is worth your time and I definitely think he's not worth your money.

In fact, I think Umar Johnson is an asshole.

Yeah...I said it.

Perhaps you should, too.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 


  1. This dude is nothing more than a predator. He wants to smash those cookies. How gross! I would scream my lungs out if I had to wake up to that ugly mofo!


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