I Was Wrong

I have come to a place in which I will admit I was wrong.  

In my last post, I said that Umar Johnson was a fraction of a man.  I was wrong.  Additionally, I apologize to fractions.  Fractions do not deserve to be compared to Umar Johnson.

I will also confess to one more thing.  Although using ripe language isn't usually my thing, I will likely be using some ripe language in this post.

One more thing I will admit.  I thought I was done with Umar Johnson and his foolery, fuckery, fraud and fibs, this latest thing has gotten me back to my blogging ways, although I was almost mad enough to start blogging when he scammed King Randall, who actually has a school, and so badly mistreated our beautiful and intelligent Ethiopian sister in Austrailia.

But this latest thing has taken the cake.

Why do I say this?

Umar Johnson's adult daughter has come out and said she attempted to contact her father in an effort to find her siblings.  How does Umar Johnson react?

To briefly summarize Umar Johnson's shittery:

  • Umar Johnson has responded to this young lady and confirmed that she is indeed his daughter in an  Instagram video which he has since taken down.
  • Umar Johnson challened the young woman and her mother to come on a livestream, so he can explain to her why he hasn't been in her life.  
  • Umar Johnson says he has "the white man's paperwork."
  • Umar Johnson went on to say that he is "the Chosen One" of his generation and how no one can take him down, not even if they send "the children." 
  • Umar Johson repeated referred to his daughter's mother as "Mama Smurf" and to his daughter as "Baby Smurf."
  • Umar Johnson rounded out this ridiculous diatribe by calling this young woman a "Youtubian Struggle Streamer" and that he's "ready for this."  
And I'm almost positive that he asked for donations, after all of this, because.....of course.

Mind you...

He's talking about his own daughter.  Good Lord!

It's one thing to talk like this about Tariq Nasheed, Lord Jamar, and the so-called "Conscious Stripper," and others, but his own child?  This proves to me how sick Umar really is.

It's my opinion that he wants the young woman and her mother to go public so he can humiliate them and I pray that they don't take the bait.

Overall, I feel terribly for this young lady.  It's certainly not her fault that her father, Umar Johnson, is an asshole.  

I mean no offense to assholes.

That said, I pray that this young woman finds the healing that I can see that she so desperately needs and deserves. It's a dirty shame that her father doesn't see this as well.

I don't believe he can see his daughter's pain because his is not a man.


He may be a man as far as having the physical attributes of a man which is only an accident of biology.

But he isn't a man.

Real men:
  • Love their family
  • Protect their family
  • Provide for their family
  • Father their children
  • Appreciate and respect his wife/significant other/mother(s) of his children
  • Lead his family by example
There are some men I have seen on these Internet streets who appear to do these things.  Some I can think of are Lenon Honor, Jason Cole, KKC, and others, 

Umar Johnson doesn't make the cut and his latest display is yet another exanple illustrates why.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


  1. Yes, yes, yes foolery, fuckery, fraud and fibs! Well said!


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