Sometimes, It's Best to STFU!

There are times in life, my good and gentle readers, when it is best for one to just be quiet.  Just don't say anything.  Just shut up.


Just shut the entire f*** up!

Umar Johnson cannot manage to do this.

Umar Johnson was on Fox Soul, that miserable excuse of a media outlet, talking about, of all things...


Umar Johnson and child support, like oil and water, don't mix.

Umar Johnson has no goddamned business on anyone's talk show talking about much of anything.  But, Umar Johnson, who has been in and out of child support court for over an estimated 15 years, especially has no goddamned business on anyone's talk show talking about child support.

The hypocrisy of it all is too much for me.  But, in the words of one Mr. Lenon Honor...

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


  1. What kind of man hides his income? Umar.... so let’s look at his income( books, donations which he takes 10%), every time his goes on a radio show or podcast which he has created or all the stuff he sells on his page...I wrote that lady on fox soul and ask her to ask 2 questions to Umar 1. Do you have kids?, 2. Do you pay child support? She asked neither and he sat on that panel and tried to blame women for how they chosen their man, but wouldn’t he be included? Yes.... he is what we call a deadbeat dad. We need to stay on his neck and call him out when needed

    1. Umar Johnson, it seems to me, is irresponsible, unprincipled, and lacking in integrity. He cares for no one, not even his own children. He loves no one, not even himself. It appears that he cannot think past his nose.


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