Everything Umar Johnson Touches...

Greetings, blessings and salutations to my good and faithful readers.  

I think, at this point in time, as I have written these blog posts concerning the major scam (meaning the school scam) that Umar Johnson perpetrates on our communities, I am fairly safe in saying this:

Everything Umar Johnson touches turns to shit.


I said it.

I know...I know...I'm not known to have a potty-mouth but the situation seems to call for it.

My evidence?


I understand that all Black people aren't alike.  We are not a monolith and unity is not uniformity.

But, in these YouTube/social media streets have gotten quite brutal.  Creating lies about people out of whole cloth, folks getting lawyers and going to court, attacking people for getting superchats, PayPal payments and CashApps, accusing people of being gay, married and on the down-low, being child molesters and child abusers, is causing divisions among us that appear to be quite unnecessary, especially since these accusations have no evidence to support them.  And this is happening all because these people are speaking against Umar Johnson.

In fact, some are likening Umar Johnson to Lenon Honor.  In my opinion, this is absolutely ridiculous.  Because the ones who are carrying on about folks getting superchats, etc. are not getting them, or aren't getting as many as others.

After all, no one can make or compel anyone to give money.  It's a choice.  Just like it's a choice to give money to Umar Johnson.  The difference is that Umar Johnson using the delusional and future-faking promise that he's using the donation money to create/build/open a school.  And Umar Johnson refuses to be accountable for the promise he made.  People who create content on YouTube can create whatever content they like as long as it falls within YouTube guidelines.  And no one has to watch anything on YouTube unless they want to watch.  Further, Lenon Honor, E & J, DeeDee & Paige, Conscious Energy or even Max V World Media aren't lying about creating a school and didn't promise the Black community a damned thing.

Former Umarians

There is a lady who calls herself DelaCremeDela, who says she was a supporter of Umar Johnson.  She says, in an interview with Let Me See Your Transcript (LMSYT), that she doxxed people on behalf of Umar Johnson, namely Anti Afro Svengalis and Rev. Gerald Palmer.  And she made fun of King Kong Crazy being a victim of a shooting in a case of mistaken identity.

She said more.  To sum it up, DelaCremeDela said:
  • That she had no romantic involvement with Umar Johnson and then later on she admitted that she did.  So she lied.
  • That she didn't dox Anti Afro Svengalis because she had the wrong person. That's even worse because she put an uninvolved person in jeopardy. 
  • That, if she did what was described to King Kong Crazy, that was foul with a capital F-O-U-L.

The behavior described above is very Umarian, if you ask me.

There is another former supporter of Umar Johnson called Don and who goes by IC Don on YouTube.  In fact, Don claims that he worked for Umar Johnson/FDMG.  I believe him.  I think he should be paid if he did work.  The fact that Umar Johnson couldn't pay Don is very telling about how Umar Johnson would run an entire school.  Now, Don, seems to have gone Umarian in telling people that he doesn't speak to non-supporters...just like Umar.

All of this mess, from lying on people out of whole cloth, the arguing about other people getting superchats and cashapps, I C Don who is now also asking for donations, to the very revealing interview with a former "Umarian," all of this foolery and fuckery can all be traced back to Umar Johnson and the various plagues that he's inflicted on our communities.

This brings me to my opening statement...everything Umar Johnson touches turns to shit.


Staying Focused

This is not the time to get distracted with other folks and their lies, their worrying about other people's superchats, PayPals and CashApps, perpetrating accusations that have no support or evidence to back them up, and worrying about the content of other people's YouTube channels.

I call for those of us who consider ourselves part of the Anti Fraud Warrior movement is to stay focused on the goal of calling Umar Johnson into account for the damage he's done to Black communities all over the world. 

Because...everything Umar Johnson touches turns to shit.  So we have to stop Umar Johnson because Black people are not going to be reduced to this...at least not without a fight from decent, mindful, and well-meaning folks like the Anti Fraud Warriors.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


  1. Shakim has a right to speak his mind but he doesn’t have a right to question lenon about why he went back to school or how his family lives...Lenon has made a lot of videos over 12 years and he has gotten a lot of views, why would anyone question why people like him, lenon is not harming anyone, he is not known as a liar, he makes his money honesty, leave him alone is what I say... Umar on the other hand is harming people, lying to people, threaten people, everyday he begs, and I can understand hope, we are tired of young black boys getting killed or going into special education classes, but Umar is not next to any parent standing up with them, all he does is talk, and beg. Lenon does not do that, can’t get mad because a man is popular. Don, I gave thinking he needed food to eat, but on his birthday he was so nasty and foul just like TTT and that was the end for me...yes, we all make mistake but we can clean them up and start over. I’m proud that lenon is going to college at his age, and I’m proud that he has a strong woman at his side. Let’s stay focus on Umar, we can’t be distracted on garbage. Good read my sister


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