
Showing posts from June, 2019

Let's Do This!

Here we are, Folks.  It's time to use the power of the phone and/or the power of the pen to contact people who need to know that there is a scourge in their community named Umar Johnson. Tell these folks what they need to know.  If you need help, here are some questions below that might guide you. Has the Delaware Department of Education received an application to open a school called the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy located at 610-611 East 17th Street in Wilmington or anywhere in Delaware? Has there been any public hearings regarding the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy or are there any hearings scheduled regarding the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy? What is the public hearing process? Is the Delaware Department of Education aware that the Frederick Douglass Marcus Garvey Academy has a revoked 501( c )(4) status? Is the process of applying and obtaining accreditation independent from opening a school in Delaware? Delaware Department of Edu

#NBIO Challenge Part 2

My good, dear, sensible readers, I thank you for your support of this blog.  Please continue to read and share as we attempt to remove the scourge of our communities known as "Doctor" Umar Johnson.  As always, I am in unison with my fellow Anti Fraud Warriors. I'm going to tell the truth.  I am so sick and tired of the likes of Umar Johnson and his schemes, scams, lies, and bullshit. However, I do believe in the power of education.  And in that vein, I am going to continue to let you, my faithful readers and fellow Anti Fraud Warriors, know to which institutions you can donate if you are so inclined. Since I have become aware of the #NBIO initiative, I have pledged not only to "adopt" a school in my community, but to inform those who have a heart and mind to support African-centered education of  some schools that may in their communities that they can use to give time, money, supplies, and other means of support. I think that if we are going to put effo

Infiltrated by GABs

WARNING:  TrueBlackAnonymous is about to be cursing up a blue streak because I'm angry.  Yes, I am pissed off to the highest level! Why? Because it looks like our communities are infiltrated by  G (rown) A (assed)  B (oy)s. The signs of a GAB? Constant lying and game-playing Unwillingness or inability to take responsibility for the results of their actions and behaviors AKA excuse-making Lack of sensitivity, foresight, and compassion Disrespect of women Selfishness I'm goddamned sick and tired of them all.  As far as I'm concerned, the leaders of the pack are, in this sick, twisted, pathetic Umarian environment, are: Number One--Jamal Johnson Surprised? Jamal Johnson, from what I can tell, has a myriad of emotions when it comes to his son, Umar Johnson.  From love, to jealousy, to admiration, to fear, Jamal Johnson is dealing with all of it. In all of this, I truly believe that Jamal Johnson KNOWS that his son is mentally ill, and I believe he should wa

#NBIO Challenge Part 1

My good, dear, sensible readers, I thank you for your support of this blog.  Please continue to read and share as we attempt to remove the scourge of our communities known as "Doctor" Umar Johnson.  As always, I am in unison with my fellow Anti Fraud Warriors. However, I must confess this.  There are days in which I am simply sick and tired of the lies, shenanigans, dirty tricks and scams of Umar Johnson. Today is one of these days. The Internet gods must have heard my internal cry.  I have come across some information regarding African-centered education that is positive. There is an initiative called #NBIO.  This initiative is designed to bring attention, and hopefully donations, to African-centered schools that already exist and are actually doing the work to educate people--unlike Umar Johnson. I think that if we are going to put effort into railing against Umar Johnson and his lies, schemes, scams and all-round foolery in the name of a school that well never ex

PLEASE!!!! People Just Stop It!!

Hey, Y'all... I remember a while back, one of my supporters suggested that I speak in a more academic way on this blog.  And I think I've been doing that. However... Today isn't one of these days. I've got to get real.  And here's the real....Umar Johnson is a goddamn jackass. I actually feel bad about saying this for two reasons. The first reason is that calling Umar Johnson a jackass is an insult to jackasses.  And there's no point in engaging in animal cruelty. Want an example? Well, there's so many to choose from it's hard to decide.  But here's one. This man is actually selling onesies and calling people who don't buy his "merchandise" coons .  If that isn't proof enough of him being a jackass, along with all the other foolery with this so-called school that's never going to exist, I simply don't know what to say. He's coming to you live and di-wreck The second reason I feel bad is because

Oh No He Didn't!

Oh, yes he did, my good and faithful readers. This clown, Umar Johnson is begging once again! Before I go on, let me apologize to clowns.  After all, there's no point in insulting them. But anyways... Umar Johnson is begging for stuff again for his "shockumentary." First, he wanted people's intellectual property .  Now, he wants donations for the film crew's lodging, meals, etc. Well, I suppose I can't blame the crew.  After all, they are likely working for free.  So the least that Umar Johnson can do is provide them with a place to stay and a decent meal or two. OH NO HE DIDN'T!!!!! But, why, oh why in the name of Black Jesus, didn't he PLAN for this when he announced that needed a crew to film, produce and put together this "shockumentary?" Perhaps because Umar Johnson is not a good planner.  He's not organized.  He refuses to work with people who could help him.  He only wants yes-men and yes-women.  He wants peo

Umar...and the Children

Umar Johnson proves himself to be pathetic and useless time and time again. And this time, he might not even know it, unless he reads this blog post. So, on that note, I'm going to prove to you, once again, that Umar Johnson is full of shit. Not only does he endanger his own child, not only does he give bunk advice to the parents of children, putting their parents in undesirable position with their child's school, not only does he believe that 10% of Black boys need to be murdered, he literally put children in danger right before our eyes. Look at the child in the back toward the left Umar Johnson, on at least two occasions, walked people through a building, with no hard hats and no protective gear, that hasn't been inspected, that there isn't any electricity for, that isn't safe for anyone outside of contractors and the like, to be in. Umar Johnson has people in these buildings who don't have any business being there, INCLUDING CHILDREN. He doe

More Grave Necrophilia

My good and faithful readers, I know you know by now that whenever one sees Umar Johnson in a cemetery nothing good is going to come from it. He starts out bad.  And I quote: I am coming to a cemetery that was built by our ancestors in the 1880s.  Enslaved Africans built this cemetery to give our people a place of eternal rest. One might ask what is so bad about this.  Well it's the fact that the cemetery, which he claims was built in the 1880s was built by enslaved Africans.  Hmmmm.  It seems that one might note that slavery in the United States ended in 1865, so one would wonder who these enslaved Africans were who build a cemetery in the 1880s. See, I told you we were already starting out bad. This time, the victim of Umar Johnson's grave necrophilia is Bishop Henry McNeal Turner and his family. He does his ritual by naming as his ancestors members of the Bailey (Douglass) family tree. Yes, the same Baileys who have no connection to him or his father whatsoever--

Things That Make You Go...Hmmmm......

Well, well  well...what do we have here? Umar Johnson, the Prince of Poopy Pampers , is once again crying and whining like a big baby. Oh, Poor Umar!  Woe is he! Yeah...cry me a river. What's the latest bullshit coming from Umar Johnson? It seems that Umar Johnson was allegedly scheduled to speak in the Fulton County (Atlanta), Georgia jail on June 3, 2019. Of course, the Anti-Fraud Warriors, including myself, sprang into action. We called the Fulton County Sheriff's Office to find out more about this event and to show the sheriff that Umar Johnson isn't fit to speak to folks in jail about anything.  The evidence of this is all over the Internet from advocating that 10% of Black boys need to be murdered, to calling people, and their children lazy , trifling , and niglets , among other names and insults. By the way, how is being name-called going to help anyone, whether they are in jail or not? Now, come to find out that Fulton County had no idea that Umar