Establishing Immersive Education in the Hood Instead of Letting Dr. Umar Johnson Get Anywhere Near Our Black Boys


Dr. Umar Johnson is going around talking about he does more for black kids and loves black kids more than anybody and to name that person who doing more than him.  I can name a whole bunch of names and I wouldn't dare leave a black child alone with this wild-eyed paranoia Pan-African Dr. Umar Johnson after how I see how this guy act.  If we are going to talk about educating and uplifting black children in the 21st century, then we need 21st century tactics and not some "Boys Town" approach with a PhD. buy who cannot emotionally control himself from pipe bomb outbursts.  In this article, we are going to discuss our observations of Dr. Umar Johnson hate-filled, erratic and negative-reinforcing persona and why we don't want one black child near him for anything.  Then we are going to discuss real solutions for our children, both black boys and black girls through the use of 21st century techniques and immersive education where the community use the active courses in an open-sourced API format to help educate our children outside of school.  What brothas and sistas should really take notice on is not Dr. Umar Johnson as he is what he is but we need to look closer at that African-American population that goes out and see this dude talk or listen to this dude talk.  We should realize we got an African-American population out there thinking empowerment of the black community is just for discussion and entertainment value like the Goth community like to talk fantasy about vampires and werewolves.  The heck any of you black folks out there would listen to this regressive Dr. Umar crap in 2015 when we have made so much progress in the 21st century tells me we have a lot of jokes in the black community posing and in my opinion, don't want to see true progress but just want to be entertained by people like Dr. Umar Johnson running around with a mic in his hand blurting black nationalist pipe bomb statements.

Dr. Umar Johnson Negative and Regressive Rhetoric

If you listen to Dr. Umar Johnson you will notice he operates in a circular regressive patter where he want to delve in being oppressed and he appear to enjoy that oppressive state trying to convince others not to crawl out of the barrel.  In the barrel, Dr. Umar Johnson will use his crab claws to drag another black person back into that state of oppression he appears to enjoy so much. I have not found one positive, progressive action item about this Dr. Umar Johnson guy and this is what we observed about his and his rhetoric:

Promotes Negativity

Dr. Umar Johnson talks incessantly about how we black folk are lazy, not willing to stand up for ourselves, don't have businesses or structural foundations. In Dr. Umar Johnson mind, you black people had to sell yourself out to be rich and successful denying brotha or sista proper praise for their hard work. In order for Dr. Umar Johnson to have his platform, he has to promote the propaganda black people cannot be progressive which explains why he carry himself in a negative manner toward rich and successful blacks.

Promotes Cowardice

You will hear time to time Dr. Umar Johnson basically say if we black folks get too big “they” will kill us. Dr. Umar Johnson will go into storytelling about how someone was murdered for getting too big and was a threat to white supremacy. This rhetoric is designed to make black people fearful of being progressive and successful and have us black folks believe there is some Yeti monster at the top of the mountain ready to kick us back down or kill us if we try to climb to the top. This is part of Dr. Umar Johnson agenda to maintain negative reinforcement within the black community using subtle boogeyman threats that we would be killed for getting better. The only person who was killed was Malcolm X and he was killed by these pro-black men, remember that fact.

Promotes Dead Souls

Frederick Douglas and Marcus Garvey are dead souls who can be re-invented in modern terms through storytelling and that is what Dr. Umar Johnson specialize in as well as the rest of these Pan-Africanists. It is easier to talk about dead people like Marcus Garvey than put in the work with living black people today to solve today black problems. We are living in the right here and right now and when you got people talking about dead souls like Dr. Umar Johnson, that person is trying to control and narrate the conversation because dead people cannot defend their platform.

Promotes Hate

Dr. Umar Johnson promotes disdain and intolerance for interracial relationships and homosexuals while claiming to be speaking about black empowerment. You will see Dr. Umar Johnson talk about he raising money for his school but in that same speech he will go on a tirade and talk about his disapproval of interracial relationships and homosexuals. People who preach such hatred about anybody lifestyle choices raises red flags with me as something else is underlying with that rhetoric. With these observations, there is no way in hell I would support Dr. Umar Johnson having a damn thing to do with our black children or much less our black boys. There is too much pathological personality problems with Dr. Umar Johnson where he cannot control his emotions and inability to show discipline to stay on mission. As we indicated, Dr. Umar Johnson talking about going out to raise funds for a “boys town” but cannot constrain himself and always resort to spitting vitriol about interracial couples and homosexuals and claim “Yeah, I said it! Damn right I said it!” to the audience he is soliciting money from. Black boys need to see discipline and Dr. Umar Johnson simply do not show discipline. Black boys need to see progress and work towards progress and Dr. Umar Johnson focus on negativity too much in his rhetoric. Black boys need to see bravery and “follow me to the battle” leadership to take on adversity and Dr. Umar Johnson focus more on scaring people with threats they will be killed by the enemy if they progress further. This Dr. Umar Johnson is not a man who is battle-ready and war-hardened to prepare our next generation of future black men to lead future black communities and he seem to be more of a jive ass rhetorical character looking for speaking fees and crowdfunding bragging success.

Antiquated Single-Sex Education Campuses

Dr. Umar Johnson proposal is to build out a “boys town” for little black boys to live in a “commune” environment with dormitories. They would have access to labs to learn STEM and agricultural sciences and stuff like that. This “campus” approach to education is antiquated and cannot sustain itself in the 21st century without massive endowments. The math is simple - how many members can pay their fraction of the overhead cost. Many schools are failing and closing because the students cannot afford the tuition cost to sustain the cost and operation of running a campus-based school. And the money will eventually need to be subsidized by endowments and fundraising efforts to offset tuition costs to keep the campus running. How much money you think homophobic racist Pan-Africanist negative rhetoric speaking Dr. Umar Johnson will be able to raise year-after-year to sustain a campus operation? We are not talking about spoil trust fund black boys either with rich parents who write out blank checks. What celebrity or notable person would step in and support a homophobic racist Pan-Africanist to help lend their celebrity endorsement to the fund-raising? Here is the problem with the campus for little black boys all congregated together in a commune setting:

They Will Reject Brainwashing

Our black boys are already on the Internet looking at Vine, Snapchat, passing around memes. Trying to talk to our kids about dead souls like Marcus Garvey and Frederick Douglas is boring and any attempt to force Pan-Africanism on our black boys will be a futile effort that will face rejection. And I fully expect this school that want to promote their Pan-Africanist propaganda will retaliate and try to target black boys who ain’t about that Pan-Africa crap and make those boys scapegoats and an example to the other boys, even if the targeted black boy has educational talents.

They Will Not Be Expressive

Because black boys will be forced into propaganda and indoctrination focused more on Pan-Africanism than STEM, these black boys will not be able to express themselves and their natural talent. Black hyper-machoism will begin to take shape and black boys who are not macho and not trying to be macho will find themselves out of place and outcast and Lord of the Flies will pretty much take over as the social order.

They Will Become PUA (Pick Up Artists)

Because there are no girls around the black boys, black women and black girls will be objectified and talked about as a sex conquest only. And the discussion of hating homosexuals and interracial relationship will also be on the table as this is what their leader Dr. Umar Johnson preaches while raising funds for the campus these black boys are attending. Sorry but I don’t see anything good coming out of Dr. Umar Johnson project except our black boys are caught up in some Pan-Africanist vision that is also filled with hatred, bigotry and sexism. I cannot buy into the STEM stuff Dr. Umar Johnson is talking about because when he talks in his speech, he talks negative and regressive and try to scare and threaten black folks with death or marginalization by white supremacists if that black person get too big in this world. So quite frankly as a real man, I wouldn’t recommend any black son or any black daughter have a damn thing to do with Dr. Umar Johnson and I will defend that position anywhere and anytime. I work with black boys all the time and you can pit a Pan-Africanist screaming hate-filled Phd. cat versus this technology entrepreneur in front of those black boys and start filming and place your bets who those black boys will admire the most afterwards – bet on it.

A Better Solution – Immersive Open-Sourced Education

The solution to educating black children, both black boys and black girls is to focus on augmented and immersive education in their current environment. We do not need to remove our children from their current environment but instead, we transform the environment to be education-centric towards that child and create immersive touch points. We also focus on forcing the public school to make the educational curriculum open-source so brothas and sistas can make open-source applications to support immersive education in our communities. If the cities can make crime-mapping data available for developers to create open-source apps then cities can make educational courses available for us developers to create open-source immersive education applications to better educate our children.

To walk you through a narrative, say that we know the 7th grade is learning Algebra and we know week-by-week what they are learning in Algebra from the API subscription feed. The child student goes to a restaurant with his family in the black community and the restaurant can have a tabletop touchscreen kiosk that not only take orders but the kiosk can pull the actual geometry lessons from the cloud based on that child current week course and the family can work out the problem together on the kiosk while waiting to be served. This is immersive education that allow education to be everywhere and supported by the community and commercial institutions so we are all on page to that child learning and getting the best education.

In addition, we can build applications off the open data to show the parents how to teach their child the geometry material their child learning that week to engage the parent in the discussion. These are open-source developers who will do this for free to support black children, black parents and black education and we got the talent and skills to make it happen if the data is made available to us. This will allow us to help a parent who come home read what their child is learning and we talk to them and show them how to help their child solve the geometry problems helping a parent have a closer bond with their child education. Meanwhile, Dr. Umar Johnson will be running his damn mouth on speech circuits talking about how black parents are not there to help educate their black children.

Let’s Focus on 21st Century Solutions for Our 21st Century Black Children

There is an image out there that is one of the most profound pictures and video I have seen regarding education. It shows Indian parents climbing up walls and talking through windows to help their children do well on a test. I was taken back looking at that photo because that is what we supposed to do for our kids! Our black children are in the 21st century and have to compete globally for opportunities that will be global-based. No one ask the Indian or Chinese kids what was their test scores but you are here in America screwing your kids over talking about testing and when it comes to that kid in China growing up and your American kid growing up, they will be competing for the same job opportunity and position. We got to look after our black children and prepare them for the future in the best way possible. The solution to preparing our black children is creating an immersive environment and support structure by distributing the data available to help our kids learn the materials currently present in school. We can create apps that help a parent talk to their child about Language Arts on a specific course on a specific week and we can create commerce incentives and gamification to help reinforce education and reward children so they can know the education is everywhere and not just school. We do not have our kids go to school and then go home and try to figure things out and scapegoat parents – we all can be involved in helping that black child succeed if we have public education open data to us. I do not want some raging homophobic regressive anti-race mixing Pan-African lunatic with a PhD. anywhere near our black children talking about he doing so much more but cannot finish a damn statement without attacking a homosexual or attacking black people who date outside their race or fear mongering how white supremacy will kill us if we get too big in status. Because all Dr. Umar Johnson can talk about is negative hateful regressive stuff while all I can talk about is solution approach such as applying patterns and practices like immersive education and apply it to help our black boys and black girls compete in the 21st century global economy.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel


  1. In other words we are supposed to do what the teachers are getting paid to do. But to bust your bubble these things are already available on the web. This is unrealistic especially if you are fighting to survive by working multiple jobs. My solution is to force the teachers to do their job. I had a job as a phlebotomist. I was a terrible phlebotomist and didn't last long in that profession. If you are a teacher and the majority of your children are failing you should not be a teacher. In a college level history class I posed the question to my professor about the ills of the education system. His answer to me was "Someone has to sweep the floors." If we had an education system devoted solely to education who would sweep the floors. Or in the 21st century support the prison complex.


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