
Showing posts from December, 2020

Everything Umar Johnson Touches...

Greetings, blessings and salutations to my good and faithful readers.   I think, at this point in time, as I have written these blog posts concerning the major scam (meaning the school scam) that Umar Johnson perpetrates on our communities, I am fairly safe in saying this: Everything Umar Johnson touches turns to shit. Yes. I said it. I know...I know...I'm not known to have a potty-mouth but the situation seems to call for it. My evidence? Factions I understand that all Black people aren't alike.  We are not a monolith and unity is not uniformity. But, in these YouTube/social media streets have gotten quite brutal.  Creating lies about people out of whole cloth, folks getting lawyers and going to court, attacking people for getting superchats, PayPal payments and CashApps, accusing people of being gay, married and on the down-low, being child molesters and child abusers, is causing divisions among us that appear to be quite unnecessary, especially since these accusations have

12 Lies of Umar Johnson

The Twelve (12) Lies of Umar Johnson as presented by Let Me See Your Transcript  to the tune of The Twelve days of Christmas.  This is a parody. On the twelfth day of Christmas Umar lied to me:  About 12 Detractors Hating  Eleven People Protesting  Ten Year Anniversaries  Nine Grandmas Painting  Eight Days of Fasting  Seven Umarians a Fighting  Six Fake Degrees  Five Trips Overseas  Four Real Contractors  Three Loyal Donors  Two Twix Bars  and  About FDMG is Coming! 'Cuz sometimes you HAVE to laugh at this mess! Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel  @BLKAnonymous Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involuntary commitment? Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


Well, well, well...our good sister, the history teacher who we call Let Me See Your Transcript did an interview with a retired journalist named Albert Lanier. Albert Lanier is a retired freelance journalist who had a 22-year career.  His bylines include the Honolulu Weekly, Pacific Business News, Edible Hawaiian Islands, Asian Week, and Hawaii Magazine.   Mr. Lanier also wrote a piece on Umar Johnson entitled Catch Him If You Can:  The Life and Lies of Umar Johnson , dated July 21, 2020.  In part, Lanier says, in regards to Umar Johnson: In fact, it is difficult to believe that Johnson is a mental health professional upon seeing his interactions with individuals online. When answering questions one-on-one from African-American women (apparently his primary demographic group), he referred to them as “gorgeous” or “beautiful” as a preface to listening to their questions. This is clearly not how any professional psychologist should or does act. This comes off as language more suited t


To quote our good sister E from Let's Get Into It With E &J , "y'all ain't ready!" There is someone named August Archibald who donated to Umar Johnson for the so-called FDMG school.  Thank all the heavens and stars, Mr. August Archibald has decided that he's had enough of Umar Johnson and his lies, half-truths, and other deceptions. How do I know? Evidence of an actual lawsuit THIS IS LEGITIMATE!!!!! Thank you, Anti Afro Svengalis !   To be clear, Anti Afro Svengalis DID NOT file this lawsuit.   And "August Archibald" is an alias.  The courts allows a plaintiff to use an alias if the plaintiff has reason to believe that his life is in danger.  Remember, Umar Johnson has recorded himself threatening people by asking his followers to "pull up" and by doxxing people by giving out (what he believes) are their addresses and telephone numbers. I'm no attorney, but if you've donated to Umar Johnson and his phoney-baloney so-called FDMG


This whole fiasco surrounding "Don" and Umar Johnson illustrates that Umar Johnson is incapable of running a project of any magnitude, especially the magnitude of a so-called school. It's just plain stupidity. Think about this. Umar Johnson, who has recorded himself bragging about collecting over 3,000 resumes, hired some guy off the street, WITHOUT IDENTIFICATION , and handed him the keys to the rat-trap buildings? GTFOH! Umar Johnson, who has recorded himself bragging about collecting over 3,000 resumes, has never shown any job descriptions for which these resumes could be submitted.  At least I haven't seen any job descriptions?  Have you? If this "Don" person was working for Umar Johnson as he claims, and I don't doubt it, "Don" was exposed to mold, to rodents, to sewer water, to insects and to Umar Johnson.   My understanding of the arrangement between "Don" and Umar Johnson, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, is that "

Full Effect

Yesterday, Umar Johnson was in full effect.  His so-called "Ski-Mask Club" was in full effect.  His "Garvey Gun Club" was in full effect. They were prepared to " repel " the haters and detractors on December 3, 2020. Umar Johnson said, "Everybody coming in full effect." Okay. This is the "ski mask club" and the "Garvey gun club"? So, not only did Umar Johnson attempt to rile people up, he incited violence, or at least potential violence.  The only good news in this whole hamtrosity is that none of the so-called "detractors" or "haters" showed up.  Why?  Because no one intended to show up for this.  The entire episode was a false flag .  By the way, the  high temperature in Wilmington, DE yesterday  was 44 degrees Fahrenheit (6.7 degrees Celsius). Think about this.  Those of us who are in the Anti Fraud Warrior movement are being quite effective blogging, creating YouTube videos, writing letters, making tele

What's Happening, Cuzzo?

Okay. As our good brother, Conscious Energy might say, it's time to check on the family. Specifically, it's time to check in on Cuzzo's Cuisine in Charlotte, NC.  It seems that Umar Johnson is having one of his book signing events from 2 PM until 8 PM, complete with a DJ. And in the pre- COVID world, this may not be anything other than another one of Umar Johnson's "hyena yelps." But we are in the COVID world.  And in the COVID world, many places, including restaurants, have enacted standards and rules in order to enter restaurants.  In fact, a good number of restaurants, because of COVID, have closed their dining areas until further notice.  Cuzzo's Cuisine is one such restaurant. Notice the take out and online orders only sign So, if you are fortunate enough to live in Charlotte, NC, you can go to Cuzzo's Cuisine and do a take out order OR you can get food from Cuzzo's Cuisine's via GrubHub or a similar delivery service. Now, how and why