Open Letter to "Not-A-Doctor" Umar Johnson Supporters

Dear “Not-A-Doctor” Umar Johnson Supporter,

My Name is Casey Williams and I’m known as TrueBlackAnonymous.  I have been writing about Umar Johnson’s activities for a few years.  The saga of Umar Johnson is worth recording for history. His saga needs to be studied by our people, and all people, as a cautionary tale.

Umar Johnson has most recently been creating memes of people’s alleged work and home addresses, and telephone numbers and posting them on his social media accounts. He claims that he has “goons” in various cities who are going to “pull up.” The people he’s claiming that he’s going to “pull up” on and sending “goons” after are people who have been vocal and public about questioning him, challenging him, and yes, clowning him.

Think about this. Umar Johnson’s behavior virtually guarantees that he will never open a school in the United States of America. Umar Johnson presented himself online threatening, doxxing, name-calling others. What Department of Education in any state in these United States will research Umar Johnson, see his abhorrent behavior and approve him to run any school?

What does this tell you, the Umar Johnson follower and supporter?

If I were in your position, Umar Johnson Supporter, I would question Umar Johnson’s motives, particularly as it is related to the so-called school.

If I were Umar Johnson, and someone claimed that I didn’t have the certifications, licenses, degrees or other credentials that I claim to have, I would show them.  Or, at the very least, I would post them on my website. That would shut people up.  Even if people didn’t like what I said, they couldn’t deny the credentials.

If I were Umar Johnson who was a school principal and a school vice principal, and someone claimed that I was never a school principal or a school vice-principal, I would post my resume on my website.  Again, this would shut up the so-called “haters.”

 So, why wouldn’t Umar Johnson do these things, if for no other reason, to shut down the so-called “haters” once and for all?

The only reason he wouldn’t do this is because Umar Johnson doesn’t have the certificates, licenses, degrees, and other credentials he claims to have.

Secondly, Umar Johnson, if he is what he says he is, wouldn’t be worried about so-called “haters” and he certainly wouldn’t be on social media threatening people.  He would use the court system to prove them wrong.

But he hasn’t.


Did you know that doxxing people, as Umar Johnson has done and is doing, is illegal?

This is called making criminal threats in California.  Pennsylvania uses the terminology “terroristic threats."  As in California, Maryland also has laws against criminal threats. In Michigan, it is called threatening or intimidating someone. In the state of Utah, making such a threat is called threat of violence.

Did you know that if you’re one of the people who are getting people’s addresses and telephone numbers so that Umar Johnson can “pull up,” or send his so-called “goons" to pull up, you are conspiring, aiding and/or abetting a criminal act?  If you are found out, you can be arrested and charged, especially if someone he’s threatened is hurt or injured as a result of Umar Johnson’s behavior and your complicity.

Umar Johnson Supporters, also please understand that the people he’s threatened have homes, property, and families. And most states have “castle doctrine and/or “stand your ground" laws. I do not claim to speak for other people. However, it stands to reason that people will do whatever it takes to protect themselves, their homes, their property, and their families. So, if I were you, I would ask myself if Umar Johnson is worth putting myself at physical risk and/or putting myself at risk of being arrested.

Umar Johnson Supporters, please consider the following.

Umar Johnson doesn’t believe he has to explain anything to anyone. Umar Johnson doesn’t believe he has to share with you, his donors and supporters, his potential donors, or the public what he did with the money he’s accepted ostensibly for a school.  He doesn’t believe that he has to show you his degrees, licenses, or certifications. He thinks you should believe him

Umar Johnson tells you that the business of FDMG is none of your business, even if you are a supporter, donor or a potential donor.

Umar Johnson tells you that “you don’t even have a GED,” so you don’t dare to ask to see his business plan for the so-called school.

Umar Johnson calls you, his supporters, and even your children, names such as lazy and trifling.  If you question him or disagree with him, he calls you a coon.

Umar Johnson wants trades people, like electricians, HVACR technicians, carpenters, and contractors (who are supposed to be licensed while he doesn't have to prove that he is licensed), film crews, lighting technicians, musicians, to work for free BUT he wants you to find him spaces/venues, to charge you to come to his lecture and conferences, to donate to him to have his books published,  his "shockumentary" film made, and his "shockumentary mix tape" produced -- then he wants to sell them to you.

Umar Johnson consistently says that he’s accepted $750,000 in donations, yet he doesn’t think he should have to explain how the money was used.

Umar Johnson gets angry when someone points out hypocrisy, contradictions, gaps in information, or discrepancies.

In other words, Umar Johnson doesn’t respect you.

So, it looks like Umar Johnson thinks you should risk your freedom, your job, your life, your family, AND your self-respect for him, while he owes you no business plan, no explanations, no documentation, AND no respect.

In the mind of Umar Johnson, he owes you NOTHING. But you owe him EVERYTHING.

Now I have a question for you, Umar Johnson Supporter.

Is this man who refuses to prove who he is, this man who doesn’t feel the need to explain anything to you, this man who name-calls you, is worth you committing crimes for him?

Umar Johnson Supporter, ask yourself if this is a balanced exchange.

Ask yourself, were Umar Johnson were living in your household, and he made messes everywhere in your home and ate up all the food, but thought it was your responsibility to clean up his mess and buy the groceries, how long would you tolerate that.

Think to yourself, if you were in an intimate relationship with someone like Umar Johnson, in which you were giving everything but getting nothing in return, how long would you stay in that relationship.

Ask yourself if Umar Johnson was your child and he kept being caught in one ridiculous lie after another, how might you react to that child.

Ask yourself if Umar Johnson is worth it.

Trueblackanonymous You Tube Channel 
Does Umar Johnson need a 302 involunary comittment?
Mobile Crisis Team: 1-800-417-9460


  1. The answer to that question is hell no bc the prince of dairy queen frozen yogurt is not worth it to me.

  2. The man has simply gone too far.... He sounds like a complete fool talking about pulling up on folks.... He needs to PULL up on his kids or PULL up to an unemployment office.... This dude has never worked a real job... and is getting old as shit... he won't even be able draw Social Security... he will continue to freeload on whatever woman is willing to let him lay on her couch. Pathetic!


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